Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Unintentional Motive

Today my school had Career Day. So what do we do on such occasion? We take them flyers and throw it like we don't give a sin about the environment. We listen to pep talks and forget it after a while or so. We sign up for newsletters with fake addresses and regret later on.
Another alternative choice would be, getting the hell out of the hall and complain to the school counsellor on how very lame can today ever be. And 'sides, i was signed as 'ponteng' from chongy for not attending her economics class. You know, we have the right to be curious about the career path we headin' and you, don't even give a shit. I shouldn't have entered the class at all and resume my complaints to the ears of the counsellor.

Today changed my perspective towards LimKokWing University of Creative Technology (what?). You know, i used to adore LKW so much that i dreamt of pursuing my studies there. I used to debate on the benefits of studying there and feel very defensive whenever people opt to differ. Little did i know, i was wrong.

So at approx 11:30 - 11:45a.m. i was loitering around the hall feeling sienZ as i have to wait for my friend to finish talking to this lady in the sunway booth about Events Management. Till i came across LKW's booth. There was this man, wearing black, with jetblack hair and dandruffs perhaps, preaching about the goodness of studying in LKW. Since i was bored, i chose to listen. Though not attentively though cause all there was in my head lied a monkey on a carpet flying with Aladdin. That was until i saw the word Advertising that i finally came back into reality. So i waited for my turn to enquire him. As i wait, i saw the usual thick, very expensive (or so the man says) prospectus and i wanted to browse through it. But the man, with his elbow on the stack of prospectus raised his eyebrows and said no with full of arrogance. Why so kiasu was all i wanted to ask but i know if i did, i'd be in deep angst later on. So i told myself to be patient and proceed with my question. When i did, he asked me (arrogantly) about a specific course i wanna take. Like hello, man, i'm asking for your advice right, how do you expect me to answer you? How would i know that the course i'm interested at has roots to a different aspect? I was furious. But he continued his speech as though he had won some colouring contest and continued bragging of his intelligence in LKW choice of courses. I felt like there was a need to jaden-smith-kick-his-balls! His arrogance and kiasu attitude lead me to dislike LKW.

Hence, the moral of the story kids, is to never believe what your eyes want you to believe. Live with the advice from your family and friends. Because sometimes kids, rumours can be quite true at times like today. Tooooooot

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