Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Had muh greens

Some organic orgasmic greens in a bowl from muh childhood years. You remember kellogg's frosted flakes? That's em tiger. This bowl used to be muh brodda's fav. *this is the part where you should go awwww.

Started my morning with a healthy munch with greens and eggs for proteins. Not so healthy after adding pepper and japanese soy sauce. Kikkoman has the best flavour for everything.

No paper today and it was a blessing in disguise. God heard me prayers. I love.

Did my chores, washed em clothes from yesterday. Saved them for today, intentionally purposely. Compromises of school attire and casuals. And undergarments. Momma's a hygiene freak, she wants everything to be in top-notch (in terms of cleanliness). So imma let her be with all her fussin' and naggin' cause imma have muh payback time in the future. *grins.

And then the pleasure's all mine. Switched on both the teevee and computer. But the little feeling of guilt made me save some pennies off the electricity bill fo' today.

Waste no more time for studying, had an hour (having my period of an hour while i type this) of internet. Here i am bloggin' and tumblr-in' and hopin' for the clock to run slower.

Right on.

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