Sunday, December 19, 2010

He can do anything

Currently drained out from erasing doodles and side notes on majority of the pages in the loan textbooks i was required to borrow at the start of the year. And now i'm famished.

Tomorrow will officially be the last day of my taking of the public examination papers and i am jumping around jubilantly, not literally of course lest people think i am somewhat mental from all the stress and whatnot. It's funny how i can still be at peace when economics is one of my weakest subject and i am to take it tomorrow.

Anyhow, yesterday's Christmas party was a success. All glory and thanks to God! Smiles of contentment and laughters of joy can be testified. Thank you Winnie, Monica, Yi Waey for your presence for it had made the party merrier and more jolly. :-)

Today Pastor Alex Sanders from Healing Rooms, San Antonio came down to preach in our church and indeed it was a productive one alright. He spoke of the power and authority God has given us. The power and authority to heal the sick, wake up the dead, cure the leprosy and cast out devils and demons. Luke 9:1-3

God's presence was felt.

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