Thursday, August 26, 2010

He is back..

Remember those days when the tele was always worth watching? And at approx. 08:30p.m. we'll fight for the remote and the center seat to watch a guy with a big mole on his left cheek with a sloppy white shirt and yellow boots? No, i'm not referring to a hideous clown but our very own south-east-asia's comedian, Gurmit Singh. Also known as the infamous Phua Chu Kang. Did you know that Gurmit Singh is not a real singh? He is actually a Japanese Chinese adopted by a punjabi family. As told by a friend.

Oh don't you remember the anticipation for an episode to laugh your donkey off and forget today's misery at school, at work or even at home?

Anyway, he's back. He's richer. He's older (and i mean, really aged, obvious wrinkles). And he still has that trademark of a mole plastered on his face. His wife, Rosie (Irene Ang) on the other hand, has not changed either. Except maybe she's lost some pounds.

I was quite disappointed when there was no Margaret and Ah beng cause what's a good PCK show without the two of them? Though, there's still King Kong (PCK's right hand man).

So the plot revolves around Phua Chu Kang (Gurmit Singh) being persuaded by his mother Ah Ma (Neo Swee Lin) to bid for a contract to renovate the Heaven Can Wait old folk’s home owned by the unscrupulous Lim Lau Pek (Henry Thia). Although he is not sure why Ah Ma wants so badly for him to get the job, he agrees to do it anyway when he finds out that his arch-rival Frankie Foo (Lim Kay Siu) is also bidding for the same contract. - Synopsis adapted from

I would recommend you to watch but don't expect much. His jokes are wearing off. Nevertheless, it is still worth a watch and you'll be startled to find yourself laughing at some parts of the movie.

Don't play pray!

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